Nov 2016 | The MArket House
A series of pencil and watercolor drawings, centered around images of derelict buildings, wild habitats and idle children. Wilderless focuses on a number of contemporary issues; such as environmental concerns, the record-level homelessness crisis in Ireland and the limiting of free spaces for children. The series aims to examine Ireland's relationship with the home.
Check out the online store for available prints and originals.

A driving question of this series concerns the challenges to a person’s sense of space and sense of the home. What is our relationship with the urban and wild spaces we inhabit and how does our activity, or our idleness, affect these spaces? Of particular concern is children’s space, and how failures and triumphs in managing house and habitat effect the young. Among other concerns, three particular sources frame much of the subject of this exhibition; George Monbiot’s discourse on “rewilding” of natural habitats in his book Feral, the work of Roger Hart on the dwindling geography of children’s “experience of place” and the record-high levels of homelessness in Ireland today, as reported by Focus Ireland.
An exhibition, in the Market House, Monaghan, was accompanied by a series of audio performances.